Well it's been an interesting winter, to say the least, and I
hope everyone is still sane and healthy. We've managed to
weather the storm quite well ourselves, although physical distancing
measures have made it significantly more difficult to plan, but I'm
confident that we'll be able to enjoy another great fishing season on
the "Best Coast" of Canada.
Many of you are already aware that I've lost my moorage on the
reserve in Ucluth (hopefully only for this summer), as they are now a
gated community with resident access only, but I am working on going
off-grid and setting up an anchored moorage in the inlet instead. I
plan to run the moored sleeper boat on solar chargers, batteries and
a generator, and tying the Grady-White up to it when it's on-site. I
might even try a little wind power if it's affordable, but we'll see.
DFO has announced the same sportfishing restrictions as last year,
which means we can retain Chinook caught inside the 1NM surfline
boundary on the outside coast and any Chinook caught inside the mouth
of Barkley Sound. This worked extremely well for us last season, as
we limited out many times, and early indications are that the big
fish did not move away over the winter.
Hatchery Coho can be retained offshore now, and both hatchery and
wild Coho can be retained in most of Barkley Sound effective 01 June.
Red Snapper (Yelloweye Rockfish) are still closed everywhere, but
Ling Cod and Halibut size and retention limits remain unchanged.
Black Rockfish (Sea Bass), which are my personal favourite, are
always plentiful, so filling your fish coolers with a good mix of
species shouldn't be a challenge at all.
Guest pickup will still be possible at Island West Resort, and I
don't expect any problems with fuel and other services, so we should
be ready to fish between mid and end-June.
I'll send another update when things become clearer.
Tight lines, everyone!