back in Ukie!
After a complete
trailer overhaul and a
bunch of spring
maintenance, we're
finally set up and
operating out of
Ucluelet. We'll be
leaving the boat there
until September, but
we haven't picked a
firm 'end-season' date
yet. It will probably
depend on bookings,
but more on the
fishing itself.

launched the boat in
Ukie on 25 June, and
caught a bunch of
ground fish (Ling,
Cabezon, Rockfish, Sea
Bass and Snapper)
while running sea
trials. Then we spent
the following week
halibut hunting in
drizzly weather and
driving winds, which
made for large swells,
a boat-tossing
cross-chop and very
slow water travel. The
guys sucked it up and
braved it out,
however, and we
managed to get out all
five days despite the
miserable conditions.
We landed several
ground fish, but the
halis were too elusive
for us because it was
too windy to control
our drift most of the
time. Coho and Springs were plentiful,
however, and the boys
managed to take a
couple of them home
with their food fish.

have arrived early,
and Springs never
leave, so the season
is already in full
swing. 20+ pounders
are coming in daily
and, unlike the
Straits, we're allowed
to keep wild Coho as
well as hatchery, so
nobody goes home with
an empty cooler. The
islands allow us to
hide on the nasty
days, so we can get
out on the water just
about any time we
still have lots of
openings for the
summer, and the best
price on the coast, so
start planning your
trip now! Our new
web site is
finally online, with
more mods to come, and
to help you decide
when you want to go
out our calendar can
be accessed here.
go fishing!
lines and smiling
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